Can I brag about my kid and the Kids’ programs at PSCC?

First, let me brag about my daughter, Evi. She never ceases to amaze me. She learned her first Bible verse this week! Gen. 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Here she is saying it… Now, I have to brag about our kids’ programs at PSCC. As much as I’d like … Continue reading Can I brag about my kid and the Kids’ programs at PSCC?

A Verse That Rattles Me

As a pastor, here’s a verse that really rattles me. It makes me uncomfortable and confuses me a bit. Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.  ~ 1 Tim. 5:20 Paul is giving instructions to a young pastor.  Obviously these instructions should be followed…taken seriously, … Continue reading A Verse That Rattles Me

I’m excited about a new sermon series we will be starting this Sunday. The title is “God’s Panoramic Plan”.  This short, 3-week series will provide an overview of God’s plan for all the ages.  Essentially, this brief series will summarize the entire Bible in just 3 weeks. There are some great benefits to stepping back … Continue reading

Busy, Tired, Worn Out?

As you know, there will be a few schedule changes beginning January 6th. There will be no more Sunday School hour and Wednesday Evening Bible Study will begin at 6:00pm. Why The Changes? Being faithful and responsible to jobs, kids, household duties, and ministry roles, many in our congregation seem to be very busy and … Continue reading Busy, Tired, Worn Out?